Saturday 17 October 2015

GWT 3.0 migration

A quick list to try and help me keep track of information about the move to GWT 3.0. Corrections/ideas are welcome.

  • JSNI - GONE - replace the JsInterop.
  • Widgets - GONE - somebody could port?
  • GWT.create - GONE - use annotation based code generation etc.
  • RequestFactory - ? depends on GWT.create
  • Editor framework - ? depends on GWT.create
  • UiBinder - ? depends on GWT.create and Widgets?
  • GWT RPC - ?
  • Permutations - GONE - use system properties (early enough for compiler/linker to cut out code)
  • Standard Dev Mode - GONE - debug in "translated"/transpiled JavaScript.
  • SafeHtml - ?
  • JUnit (Java) - GONE?
  • JUnit (transpiled) - ?
  • Activities/Places - ?
Third party code:
  • GIN - ? - Depends on GWT.create